So now that we have questioned, hypothesized (or you did in your mind), tested (with existing laws/scientific method/and even scientific observations facts), and gathered the results: we can finally come to a pretty solid scientific conclusion to which worldview is most scientific(real):
So considering all these scientific observations (and the main retesting of Scientific laws), it seems the theory of Intelligent design is the far more accurate origin theory than the theory of Evolution (except for the big bang theory commonly associated with the theory of evolution; that seems to be scientifically accurate). Therefore, if these tests are accurate (which they seem to very well be) it seems the theory of intelligent design is most likely what happened to cause the origin of the universe therefore we can answer some of our original questions:
“Where did the earth come from?”
Earth was created by (an) intelligent designer(s) somehow
“Where did we come from?”
We were created by (an) intelligent designer(s) somehow
“Is there intelligent life beyond earth?”
Yes, at least one!
“Is there any God(s)/higher power(s) up there?”
Yes, there definitely is at least one!
Now that we have reached a pretty solid conclusion to the truth of the ultimate origin of all reality the others: the theory of evolution and Eternal universe theory should be discarded in our knowledge and the theory of creationism/intelligent design should be the most accurate theory of origin now.
Now we must move to the next phase of the scientific method: new questions!
Since most likely there is (an) Intelligent creator(s) who (wherever intentionally or accidentally) created all the universe, what new questions should be asked about this/these creator(s) to find more truth about them?
With all this in mind the next question should probably be Is can we know more about this/these intelligent being(s)? Where do they live? And especially can we have a personal relationship with them and know their will for us as their creations?
Now that we have our new questions, we want to ask we need to now go on to the next step in the scientific method: research questions.
What does everyone else think about knowing this/these higher intelligent being(s)?
finding the answer in traditional World religions
As stated before, when we look to the world for answers, we find many different humans/people groups have answers to know this/these intelligent being(s) better and even know specifically how they created the universe and even their names and wills for their creations.
The intelligent being(s) who created/control the universe are also called God(s) So, were these intelligent beings really the many Gods recorded in the ancient human nations? And if they were, which one of these religion’s gods were the truth of these intelligence beings?
Was the ancient Egyptian religion/worldview, correct? Were these Gods really the Egyptians God’s Atum and all his descendants: Shu, Tefnu,Nut,Geb, Ra,Thoth,etc. That created and controlled a force of Earth/reality?
Or were the ancient Sumerian religion/worldview, correct? Were these intelligent beings really the Sumerian Gods Nammu and her descendants: Anki(Ki and An),Enlil,Ect.? Or were the Hindu (ancient Indians) or even Japanese religions correct instead?
Or are the newer monotheistic (monotheistic means ONE God) religions, correct?
Instead of multiple female/male/both creators that created/controlled different things in reality, is there really only one true all-powerful great creator God that is considered male, that created and controls everything? And are the other pagan religions are really made-up deceptions (as monotheistic religions claim). However, even though these monotheistic religions all claimed to be the same God being referred to however is one truer than the other?
Is the Islamic God Allah the real true God and his last holy word the Quran the real description of this great creator? Or is the older Jewish/Christian God Yahweh/God Almighty the truer description of this one great creator and therefore The Talmud/Bible the true holy description of this creator?
All these different religions paint the great creator(s)/God(s) of the universe in a very different light! So much so they can't all be totally true!
It may seem overwhelming to even know where to start to find (if we even can) the one true God(s) that really is/are responsible for creating everything!
We need to use science to find out more about this/these creators to find the truth to answer more of our questions and as with the former theories, we need to make a test to examine these world religion’s origins (coming soon)
(P.S. you can also make a personal hypothesis about which worldview, if any, is the truest if you would like)